§ 1

  1. The union carries the name „ADU – Assistant Directors Union e.V.“.
  2. The place of business is Berlin.
  3. The objective of the union is
    1. safeguarding, maintaining and promoting the professional and economic interests of the scenic Assistant Directors working under the Anglo-American and German systems and the AD PAs (AD Production Assistants),
    2. promoting a solidary interaction among its members,
    3. representing the interests of its members towards the broadcast companies, the film industry, the producers and exploiters of TV, film and AV in the domestic and foreign markets, the domestic and foreign streaming portals, the collecting societies, the trade unions as well as legislative and executive authorities on all political levels (in local communities, federal states, and the federal government). This also includes the formation of wage agreements and other collective agreements.
    4. representing the interests of its members in all further areas, also in the form of a class action suit, in all issues of media-, labour- and social policy and in the extrajudicial pursuit of professional interests.


§ 2

  1. The union will be entered into the register of associations.
  2. The union can become a member of other organisations or collaborate with them.
  3. The business year is identical with the calendar year. Taxable business operations, which answer the purpose of the union, may be supported. The union itself is not a taxable business operation.

§ 3

  1. Any Assistant Director working under the German or the international working systems as well as any PA who is working in Germany or in the international region can become a member of the ADU, providing s/he fulfils the following conditions::
    • For the Junior-Membership: two ficiton projects in the respective position (with a minimum of 30 work days each). An additional 30 working days could be in positions affiliated to AD or RA. 1/3 of the working days can be prep, a minimum of 2/3 of the working days must be shooting days.
    • For the Full-Membership: three fiction projects in the respective position (with a minimum of 30 work days each). An additional 60 working days could be in positions affiliated to AD or RA. 1/3 of the working days can be prep, a minimum of 2/3 of the working days must be shooting days.
    • For the Senior-Membership:  six fiction projects and 400 working days in the respective position. 1/3 of the working days can be prep, a minimum of 2/3 (264) of the working days must be shooting days.
    • Each listed project must have comprised at least 30 working days.
    • *1/3 of the working days can be prep days. 2/3 of the working days must be shooting days.
    • Additionally every member must name a direct superior and an ADU member as reference person.
    • If you cannot name an ADU member, a second direct superior must be named.
  1. Furthermore the union can accept honorary members, supporting members and associate members. (see §7)
  2. The application for membership must be submitted in writing or via the website. The board will decide whether membership will be granted. In case of a rejection, it is possible to request a decision by the general assembly via registered letter, within one month of receiving the rejection note.


§ 4

  1. The members are called upon to support the purpose and the ambitions of the union through active participation and dissemination of information to the board. The members commit to uphold the legitimate interests of the union and its members and to comply with the resolutions of the bodies of the union.
  2. Each full member has an equal voting power, as well as the right to submit requests to the board and the general assembly.


§ 5

  1. The members are to pay the membership fees and apportionments as stipulated by the general assembly biannually in advance. (The board decides on the level of contribution – in case of an increase of more than 10%, the general assembly is called upon to decide.) The membership fees serve to cover costs accrued in connection with the pursuit of the union’s goals. In special cases the board has the authority to round off the fees. For further details, please refer to the Membership Fee Regulations.
  2. The general assembly has the right to bestow honorary membership.


§ 6

  1. The membership terminates
    1. Via a written note of resignation to the union, observing a three month notice period,
    2. In the event of death,
    3. By expulsion, which may occur if a member grossly contravenes the reputation or the purposes of the union (see §1 section. 3) or is in arrears with payment of the fees and makes no payment despite a written overdue notice, indicating that expulsion is imminent. For further details, please refer to the Membership Fee Regulations. The board decides on expulsion (see §9 section. 4)
  2. Upon resignation from the union, any possible claims of the former member against the union, that spring from the membership, will expire.


§ 7

  1. Persons, who do not fulfil the requirements listed in § 3 section 1, have the option of becoming associate members. Associate members have no voting power.
  2. Honorary membership can be bestowed by the general assembly, upon request by the board. Honorary members have the same rights as full members, however they are not charged a membership fee.
  3. Natural persons or corporate entities, who are neither full members, nor associate members, can become supporting members, if they could be of use to the union. Supporting members have no voting power.
  4. A written application is required for admittance to the union as an associate member or supporting member. The board will decide on the admittance.

§ 8

The bodies of the union are

  1. the board,
  2. the general assembly.


§ 9

  1. According to §26 of the German Civil Code (BGB) the board is made up of seven elected full members and is divided into the chairpersons with 2 members, the assessors of the board with 4 members and a treasurer. 2 members of the board together represent the union judicially and extra-judicially. The members of the board should preferably hail from various film locations and represent these adequately. Furthermore the board of directors should preferably be gender-balanced and of various professions.
  2. The members of the board are elected by the general assembly for a period of two years and remain in office until the general assembly has elected new members of the board. If several candidates apply for one appointment, the candidate with the majority of votes shall be deemed elected.
  3. A re-election is permissible.
  4. The board is responsible for all decisions and measures, not allocated to the general assembly. These are above all
    1. Preparation for and convening of the general assembly,
    2. Execution of the resolutions of the general assembly,
    3. Accounting,
    4. Compiling an annual report,
    5. Conclusion and termination of employment contracts,
    6. Representing the members for rate and salary negotiations and in the conclusion of deeds of assignment on behalf of the members,
    7. Deciding on the acceptance and expulsion of members,
    8. Administration of the union funds.
  5. The ordinary board meetings generally take place 3 or 4 times per year. The executive members of the board convene these meetings at least 4 weeks in advance, or in urgent cases one week in advance, by post, by Email or by telephone.
  6. The board is quorate with a simple majority of its members. Written votes via Email are permissible, if all members of the board agree with this procedure. The majority of votes decides; in the case of a voting tie the votes of the executive members of the board are the decisive ones. The board meetings do not have to be stationary, but can be held in the form of a video – or telephone conference.
  7. In urgent cases, the two chairpersons of the board are authorised to decide. However, they are obliged to present the matter at the next board meeting for a final decision.
  8. The board can decide to transfer individual tasks to one or more members of the board or other full members.
  9. The decisions of the board must be entered into the minutes and conveyed to the members of the union within four weeks.
  10. The board is authorised to appoint an executive director for the management of current business and for safeguarding the interests of the union.


§ 10

  1. If a member resigns from the union or from the board prior to the expiration of his/her term of office, the board will appoint a full member of the union to succeed the member, who has resigned, for the remainder of his/her term of office.


§ 11

  1. The board is responsible for all decisions and measures that are not allocated to the general assembly.
  2. The board decides via a resolution. It is quorate if all members of the board have been invited and at least a simple majority is present.
  3. It is not permissible for individual board members to represent each other by delegation of vote.


§ 12

  1. Every year at least one ordinary general assembly takes place. The board has to invite members at least four weeks in advance, stating the time and place and the agenda.
  2. Furthermore general assemblies must be convened if the interest of the union warrants it and if 1/4 of the membership requests one with a written request to the board.
  3. It is permissible to supplement the agenda via a written request up to two weeks before the general assembly (supplementary application). In addition, the agenda can be supplemented in the course of the general assembly with a majority resolution (emergency motion). Resolutions will be made with regards to the items on the agenda.


§ 13

  1. The general assembly is quorate if at least 1/5 of the members, who are eligible to vote, are present or duly represented, whereby every member present is allowed to represent up to five absent members by virtue of a written letter of authorisation.
  2. It is only possible for present members to represent absent members by virtue of a written letter of authorisation.
  3. In absence of quorum, the board is obliged to convene a second general assembly within four weeks, with the same agenda; this general assembly will be quorate irrespective of the number of members present. This fact should be pointed out in the invitation to this general assembly.


§ 14

  1. The members of the first board or their representatives chair the general assembly.
  2. The general assembly passes resolutions with a simple majority of votes cast. Abstentions count as votes not cast.
  3. Changes to the statute require a majority of 3/4 of valid votes. Changes to the statute are only permissible, if they have been announced on the agenda at the time of invitation.


§ 15

  1. The ordinary general assembly deliberates and resolves the individual items on the agenda and all matters placed before it according to §§ 32 to 35 of the German Civil Code (BGB) and the statute.
  2. The general assembly elects the board, passes resolutions about the statement of accounts and the business report for the preceding business year, the discharge of the board, as well as the level of contributions and special cost allocations.
  3. In addition it elects two cash auditors for a two-year term, who must not be members of the board. The cash auditors submit an audit report to the general assembly and request the discharge of the treasurer and the remainder of the board provided they are satisfied with the proper management of funds.
  4. Minutes will be taken for every general assembly and must be signed by the chairperson and one other member of the board.

§ 16

  1. The treasurer is a member of the board and is elected along with the remainder of the board by the general assembly for a period of two years. S/he will remain in office until the general assembly has elected new board members.
  2. The treasurer is responsible for bookkeeping and cash management and is obliged to present a statement of accounts to the general assembly or party.

§ 17

  1. The dissolution of the union takes place according to the resolution by the general assembly with at least ¾ of the votes cast, on the proviso that more than half the members are in attendance in person.
  2. In case of dissolution, the general assemble has to decide upon the utilisation of the union funds, which must go to a project or enterprise that serves the same purpose as the union.

Berlin, April 2019